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Christmas rewards at Primex

Christmas is a time for celebrations and it's the same here at Primex. We decided to use the last few days before Christmas to celebrate the hard work of some of our high-achieving employees. We gave out three awards to recognise the achievements of: Michael Maughan

In the 13 years Michael has worked for Primex, he has not taken a single day off work due to illness. What an incredible achievement!

Stephen McAuley

Similarly, Steve, in his near-10 years, has not taken a day off due to illness and was also worthy of celebration.

Paul Lawton

And last but not least, was the celebration for Paul, who at his retirement was having his service recognised. Having worked for Primex for 7 years we were sure to make it a good send-off! You'll be missed Paul.

To all of our customers, suppliers and friends of the Primex, we'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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